Monday, June 8, 2015

Saguaros and Following Jesus

Those of you who know me understand how I love to connect my love for Jesus with nature. I thought I would share something I came across this morning in some of my old notes about growing together in Jesus and how it relates to the natural growth in Saguaros, the symbol of the beautiful Sonoran Desert where we live.

Rooted in Christ: There is no such thing as a Christ-follower without being rooted and founded in the life Jesus Christ offers. Much like a Saguaro cactus and its singular, impressive taproot which mines the depths for underground water, we as Christ-followers have our own singular “taproot”—Jesus Christ. (Colossians 2:6-7) Saguaros also have a large, intricate maze of roots close to the surface which collects any available rain water. For the Christ-follower, this labyrinth of “roots” is continually formed through reading Scripture and spending time in prayer.

Growing with God’s Family: Following Christ is meant to be lived out in community with others who believe. Connecting with God’s family builds support, precipitates growth, and makes our roots in Christ visible. Saguaros are only able to grow so tall because of inter-connected rib structures which support the cactus during times of plenty and times of drought. Every part of the rib structure is necessary and important. Likewise, the body of Christ is most dynamic and active through all seasons when every Christ-follower “does its work”. (Ephesians 4:16)

Serving our Community: Saguaros are known for the way they provide for the animal life around them. They serve as community feeding stations, places of rest, and homes to raise families. The church should be known for the way we serve our communities—offering rest for the weary-hearted, food for the hungry, and help for families. “For even the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

Sending out Leaders: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (John 20:21) Jesus’s words to the disciples still ring true today, as we train and equip Christ-followers to go and share the good news of Jesus, and start new groups and new churches. Saguaros send out thousands of seeds in hopes of planting new Saguaros. We will be achieving our vision when we produce and send “seeds” in hopes of planting successful, new churches. Reproduction for the Saguaro and for us takes time but by faith and patience we will follow Jesus’s instruction to send out leaders.

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