Monday, August 11, 2014


Wednesday, March 30 2005

Psalm 90--God is our dwelling place, our secret sins are in His presence, number my days--make sure I am striving to meet His goals each day. Don't waste time.

Mark 1--Jesus faced temptation, just like I do. Verse 35--Jesus prayed in the morning, even when He was busy. I need to do this.

Over nine years ago I wrote these simple reflections. I still have to remind myself not to waste time. I still have to remind myself to pray in the morning, especially when I am busy. As I re-read Psalm 90 I was more impressed with "the length of our days is seventy years--or eighty, if we have the strength." Most likely it is because I sense my own mortality to a much greater degree than back when I was 25. I'm not invincible, at least that thinking is wearing off.

One of my prayers that morning was asking God to "be with Jolene and me as we try to start a family." How He has been! A beautiful 8 year old daughter and strong 6 year old son. They both make me so proud. Ashtyn is so noticeably in love with Jesus. My prayer for her is that she would trust him more and not be so quick to cry and feel defeated when she does something wrong. Boy is that like me, probably all of us. Brock is my head strong, do it my way, almost first grader. He loves to read the Action Bible at night, I hope it is not just because he wants to delay going to bed! We are reading through Daniel right now and he is enthralled with his dreams and visions. "Is this real, dad?", "I didn't know that, dad!". He has so many questions, I love it.

As for being with Jolene and me--He has. There have been times we've been frustrated with life, each other, and the kids--mostly each other. But those times of frustration have been broken and shattered by our faith in Christ. He holds us together so that the times we can't hold it together, He does. I was reminded last week as I contemplated Colossians 1:17, "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Even our marriages. I am so thankful our marriage is in Jesus and not just in ourselves. Now, thankfully, those times of frustration get shattered more quickly than ever before. My prayer now is like my prayer of nine years ago, but also different,  "be with Jolene and me as our family is built to know and follow you more."

We don't know exactly how God will answer this prayer, but I do know we will know Him more nine years from now.

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